5 February 2016

When Art & Neuroscience Make One

“Bordeaux Neurocampus” had the idea to organize a photo contest in relation with neuroscience. The initiative found adherents among neuroscientists of the Bordeaux community. Three photos were proposed by IMN, two were particularly pleased the jury and were ranked in the first and third position.

1st  price: “The light-side of a jelly brain”. ©Evelyne Doudnikoff and François Georges.

This picture represents a rat brain during one step of the CLARITY clarification protocol. This experiment has been performed by Evelyne Doudnikoff and François Georges. This brain is coated and impregnated in a polyacrylamide gel, and then will be made transparent with the objective to detect the dopaminergic innervation of the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. This project is part of a collaboration between the teams 1 and 3 of the IMN.

3th price: Computational neuroscience. ©Nicolas Rougier.

This image has been rendered using Povray and composited using Gimp. Nicolas is researcher in the team 7, Mnemosyne: Mnemonic synergy.

Third photo: The multifaceted brain. ©Nicolas Rougier.

This image has been rendered using Povray and composited using Gimp.

You may see all the photos exposed in the hall of the Magendie Institute until Feb. 9th – or see all the photos here.