

26 July 2024

ANR 2024

Les financements des ANR 2024 ont été dévoilés ! Toutes nos félicitations aux lauréats : Neurosciences moléculaires et cellulaires – Neurobiologie du développement Projets de […]

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Anne Collins 5 July 2024

Interview : Anne Collins

Anne Collins is an associate professor at the University of California, Berkeley. She is a renowned researcher in computational cognitive neuroscience and she is spending […]

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phdaward-DSC_6170-1-360x240 11 June 2024

Laureates of the Bordeaux Neurocampus Doctoral Research Award 2024

On June 7th, 2024, Bordeaux Neurocampus organized its 4th Doctoral Research Award Day. 8 PhD students (including Sara Carrracedo and Eduarda Gervini Centeno) presented their […]

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Mathilde Reynes(2) 17 May 2024

Mathilde Reynes, laureate of the Bordeaux Neurocampus International PhD Program

Congratulations to Mathilde Reynes who got granted from the Bordeaux Neurocampus International PhD Program ! This grant will finance 3 years of her doctorate about […]

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course-des-heros-1-640x426 2 May 2024

Bordeaux Neurocampus is rallying for Huntington

On June 9th, several members of Bordeaux Neurocampus will participate in the Course des Héros to support the Huntington France Association (AHF). To participate, they […]

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mellet-avril24-770x409 17 April 2024

A brain imaging study reveals how the brain decodes the social significance of facial ornaments

Published on the CNRS biology website: Since prehistoric times, we have decorated our faces with ornaments and paintings to communicate our social role. An […]

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Capture d'écran 2024-04-04 160219 4 April 2024

A treatment for diabetes may slow the progression of Parkinson’s disease

An innovation for which the world has been waiting for over 30 years!

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Capture d'écran 2024-03-04 113435 - Copie 18 March 2024

Sport Even : CervoRun

Organized by the NBA

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DSC_4503 copie 29 February 2024

The SynTeam team co-directed by Francesca De Giorgi and François Ichas joins IMN

Since November 2023, IMN has been home to a new team, SynTeam (Integrative Neuropathology of a-Synucleinopathies), co-directed by François Ichas and Francesca De Giorgi Ichas. […]

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IMG_5297 15 December 2023

Rémi Kinet awarded AAP Mature Your PhD+ 2023 prize !

Congratulations to Rémi Kinet, winner of the “Mature ton PhD +” call for projects, sponsored by SATT Aquitaine and the University of Bordeaux, for his […]

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molpeceres-sierra-elba-DSC_3911-p 14 December 2023

FENS Voices | Elba Molpeceres Sierra: A strong motivation and a clear vision

FENS is dedicated to supporting early career researchers to further themselves and their first neuroscience projects. They reached out to NENS Exchange grant (now FENS/IBRO-PERC […]

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Fondation Alzheimer 13 December 2023

Vincent Planche awarded Joël Ménard Prize

Vincent Planche, a researcher at the Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases, is the winner of the Joël Ménard 2023 prize for clinical and translational research, awarded […]

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1 December 2023

Eduarda Centeno Awarded “Irv and Helga Cooper Open Science Prize”

Congratulations to Eduarda Centeno, runner-up of the “Irv and Helga Cooper Open Science Trainee Prize”! This happened on November, 30th 2023. Eduarda is a doctoral […]

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Image CP Inserm neuroprothèses_0 15 November 2023

A spinal cord neuroprosthesis for locomotor deficits due to Parkinson’s disease

Neuroscientists from Inserm, CNRS and the University of Bordeaux in France, together with Swiss researchers and neurosurgeons (EPFL/CHUV/UNIL), have designed and tested a “neuroprosthesis” to correct the gait disorders associated with Parkinson’s disease.

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14 November 2023

SBM scientific day: Research on the Biology and Diseases of Ageing in Bordeaux

Venue: Amphithéâtre du bâtiment BBS The Bordeaux research community working on the biology and diseases of aging is organizing a day of scientific presentations and […]

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OSWorkshopFlyer-version-12-juin-255x360 16 October 2023

Workshop « Open Science »

Venue : Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine Registrations for the workshop are closed but talks are open to everyone! Open talks Monday 16 October – 15:00 Sarah […]

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fkne-2023-276x360 11 October 2023

FKNE Symposium: Cellular & Circuit Dynamics in Learning & Memory Exemplaire

Venue: Centre Broca Organized by the FENS KAVLI Network of Excellence Local organizer : Anna Beyeler Free access Program 09:50 – 10:00 Introduction of the […]

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Affiche_brainconf-2023-version-septembre 26 September 2023

BrainConf 2023: « Comparative neuronal circuits for adaptive behavior »

Current research highlights the role of cortical networks in supporting higher order cognitive functions such as decision making or working memory, and their functioning is […]

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29 June 2023

Conférence : « Biais cognitifs de genre : Origines, Chiffres, Conséquences & Perspectives »

Lieu : Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine Par Renata Coura. Réservé au personnel UB et des EPST. Résumé « Les femmes ont de meilleures compétences sociales que les […]

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9 May 2023

Neuroscience Alliance – OHBM East Atlantic Chapter

Venue: Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine Join leading neuroscientists and clinicians during Neural’s, intensive 3-day open laboratory. The conference will be held in a « BrainHack » networking style […]

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2 May 2023

Seminar – ChatGPT

Quels sont les principes qui rendent ChatGPT aussi performant mais aussi parfois limité ?
How to couple these models with analyses of fMRI brain sequences to explore how language is mapped in our brain ?

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movement-disorders-society-360x249 19 April 2023

Course: Controversies in Parkinson’s Disease Research

Organized by the International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society Program Description The primary purpose of this course is to provide clinicians and basic scientists an […]

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8 November 2022

Bordeaux Neurocampus Day 2022

The next Bordeaux Neurocampus Day will take place on Tuesday 8th November 2022 at the Domaine du Haut-Carré. Registrations are closed This day is open […]

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13 September 2022

19th Synapse and Network Day

Venue: Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine Program 9:00 – Jose A. ESTEBAN Centro de Biología Molecular Severo Ochoa, Madrid PI3K signaling for neuronal growth and synaptic plasticity […]

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17 June 2022

Doctoral Research Award Day

8 PhD students will be presenting their doctoral research on Friday 17 June. Venue: Centre Broca. Program 9:00 – Welcome coffee 9:30 – Welcoming speech […]

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31 May 2022

Reproducibilitea session

Venue: Salle SUD – CGFB Citizen Science: Can volunteers do real research? Host: Hugo Chateau-Laurent (Mnemosyne team – IMN)

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13 April 2022

GPR BRAIN_2030 Day

Morning: Closed door roundtables (the groups are already defined) covering the four major challenges of the GPR BRAIN_2030: Challenge 1: Develop new neurotechnologies to study and […]

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14 March 2022

Quiz: « Who wants to be a neuroscientist? »

Amphi Centre Broca Nouvelle Aquitaine, Université de Bordeaux – 146 Rue Léo Saignat, Bordeaux Welcome to Who wants to be a neuroscientist, a game based […]

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Affiche_SemaineduCerveau-bordeaux-2022-scaled 12 March 2022

Semaine du cerveau 2022

A l’occasion de la Semaine du Cerveau, plusieurs événements sont proposés par des chercheurs de Bordeaux Neurocampus. Événements pour les étudiants Quiz : « Who wants […]

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la-communication-cellulaire-un-monde-de-recepteurs-biologiques 13 April 2021

cell communication

Eric Boué-Grabot, in collaboration with Joël Bockaert and René Lafont published “La communication cellulaire, un monde de récepteur biologique”, éditions Matériologiques. more

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logo_semaine_cerveau 11 March 2021

The “semaine du cerveau” at the IMN

Several events involving IMN members will take place in the near future as part of the 23rd edition of the “semaine du cerveau” organized by […]

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Existence-and-prevalence-of-economic-behaviours-among-non-human-primates-254x360 18 February 2021

Thomas Boraud co-edited a special issue of Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society B

Thomas Boraud co-edited a special issue of Philosophical Transaction of the Royal Society B, dedicated to economic behavior in primates, with Sacha Bourgeois Girond (Paris-Sorbonne) […]

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societe des neurosciences 8 February 2021

2 publications of IMN are highlighted

by the french neuroscience society. Increased surface P2X4 receptor regulates anxiety and memory in P2X4 internalization-defective knock-in mice. Bertin E, Deluc T, Pilch KS, Audrey […]

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nature communication

IMN highlighted by Nature Communications

the work of the teams of Erwan Bézard and Michel Thiebaut were honored by Nature Communications. more

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during one year, it is an image of the team of the neurofunctional imaging group that will illustrate the science on the facade of the […]

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9 November 2020

Erwan Bézard, team leader of physiopathology of parkisonian syndroms, with Laurent Groc, Valentin Närgerl (IINS) and Laurent Cognet (LP2N) receive ERC synergy 2020 grant. University […]

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3 November 2020

Erwan Beard received the Rachel Ajzen et Léon Iagolnitzer prize from FRM

This prize supports fundamental research in the field of understanding the mechanisms of aging and in particular that of the brain.

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logo 23 October 2020

What is IMN ?

The Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases (IMN) is a Joint Research Unit (UMR 5293) associating the University of Bordeaux and the CNRS. It was created in […]

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livrethomas 22 October 2020

« How the Brain Makes Decision »

the new book of Thomas Boraud published in Oxford university press What if our ability to make decisions was more a matter of chance than […]

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IMN’s researchers granted by ANR

Eric Boue-Grabot  for P2XforALS: P2X4 receptor as a key factor and biomarker in ALS  (in collaboration with Sandrine Bertrand (INCIA, Bordeaux) & Gwendal Le Masson […]

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FRM grants

IMN received funding from FRM in 2020 for the project entitled EcoHealth Approach for SDHI Fungicide Use Assessment: Exposome and Human Health Hazards. It is […]

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The PD-BSI project is granted

The PD-BSI project (A brain-spine interface complements deep brain stimulation to alleviate walking and balance deficits and increase vigilance in a primate model of Parkinson’s […]

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publi-nature-com 16 July 2020

Blue space between clouds: extracellular space in Parkinson’s disease

Press release from the CNRS institutes INSB and INP about one of the latest publications from the IMN: extracellular-in-parkinson’s disease

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Falling Walls Lab in der Akademie der Kuenste. Berlin, 08.11.2017. Copyright: Ronny Hartmann/ 12 March 2020

Fabien Wagner joins us

Trained first as an engineer and then as a neuroscientist, he conducts research at the intersection between Neuroscience and Neuroengineering. He is interested in understanding how […]

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Capture d’écran 2019-11-07 à 08.39.42 7 November 2019

2019 Medical Research Foundation Award

Tuesday evening was an evening at Cap Sciences in Bordeaux organized by the Foundation for Medical Research (FRM). On the occasion of this evening, two […]

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Capture d’écran 2019-10-11 à 14.22.22 11 October 2019

In what ways does artificial intelligence use neuroscience?

Artificial intelligence aims at reproducing higher cognitive functions but still does not take into account the subtle interactions of information processing in our brain. In […]

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Capture d’écran 2019-10-01 à 08.18.56 30 September 2019

Synapses to behavior with Dopamine

Dr. Jérôme BAUFRETON of our laboratory, co-leader of the scientific team “Dopamine and Neuronal Assemblies” has been entrusted with the assignment of Editor of the […]

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Capture d’écran 2019-06-05 à 11.20.19 5 June 2019

Towards a reproducible research

For a researcher, there is nothing more frustrating than the failure to reproduce major results obtained a few months back. The causes of such disappointments can be multiple […]

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Capture d’écran 2019-05-08 à 15.13.29 2 May 2019

13th IBAGS meeting, in Biarritz

The 13th meeting of the International Basal Ganglia Society (IBAGS) held at the Municipal Casino Biarritz under the presidency of Thomas Boraud, has just ended. It brought […]

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Capture d’écran 2019-05-03 à 14.09.12 30 April 2019

Visit of a donor

Today, we received the visit of Mr. Calvet and his daughter. The Calvet Foundation is hosted by the Foundation for Medical Research (FRM) and finances […]

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une_02 9 April 2019

Mental health, education, brain aging: IMN researchers discuss them in Périgueux

A series of Film Conferences “Neuroscience in Debate” is being organized this spring 2019 at the CGR cinema in Périgueux by the association Ciné Cinéma, […]

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illus_news_Mars_2019 15 March 2019

IMN taking part in the creation of the International Association for Comparative Medicine (IACM)

Comparative medicine is a new interdisciplinary subject in the application of laboratory animal science in basic medicine, pharmacy and clinical medicine. It takes human diseases as its object and human disease animal model […]

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Capture d’écran 2019-03-13 à 12.49.05 13 March 2019

A run for the benefit of research on the Brain

The IMN was honored this Sunday, March 10th, in the person of Erwan Bézard, Director, who was inducted by the Saint-Emilion Jurade in the company […]

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Capture d’écran 2017-01-13 à 21.04.36 7 March 2019

Open position for an in vitro electrophysiologist

A researcher position is opened in the team Baufreton/Georges ( at the Institut des Maladies Neurodégénératives (IMN). The project takes part as a collaboration between […]

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Capture d’écran 2019-02-11 à 12.11.43 11 February 2019

Neurocampus Winter Party

As the Neurocampus Winter Party of last month did not occurred, PhD students and Post-doctoral researchers from all the Neurocampus institutes (IMN, IINS, Magendie, INCIA…) […]

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Capture d’écran 2019-02-08 à 10.48.31 8 February 2019

The 2018 ARSLA young investigator price…

The ARSLA young investigator price has been awarded to Eleonore Bertin, PhD student in co-direction with Eric Boué-Grabot (IMN) and Sandrine Bertrand (INCIA). This price […]

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Capture d’écran 2019-01-29 à 15.03.46 29 January 2019

Bring the laboratory bench to the patient’s bed

The Parkinson’s Committee of the Fondation de France presents its objectives by the voice of Dr. Erwan Bézard, Director of IMN. Click here to watch […]

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Capture d’écran 2015-11-21 à 16.49.21 18 January 2019

Postdoctoral position

Our new research team at the Institute of Neurodegenerative diseases at the University of Bordeaux recruits a post-doctoral researcher. The lab aims to understand cellular […]

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Capture d’écran 2018-12-21 à 08.44.25 21 December 2018


PhD students and Post-doctoral researchers from all the Neurocampus institutes (IMN, IINS, Magendie, INCIA…) organize a Neurocampus Winter Party! This event will take place on […]

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Capture d’écran 2018-09-21 à 08.35.24 20 September 2018


PhD students and Post-doctoral researchers from our Institute, with those from the Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience and the Neurocentre Magendie, organize a new Neuroscience Happy […]

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Capture d’écran 2017-01-13 à 21.04.36 19 September 2018

PhD student position

PhD student position in cellular imaging and physiology of oligodendrocyte-neuron interaction Our new research team at the Institute of Neurodegenerative diseases at the University of […]

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Capture d’écran 2018-07-23 à 13.59.04 23 July 2018

Research Topic titled “Purinergic Signaling in Health and Disease”

In collaboration with Frontiers in Cellular Neurosciences, we are organizing a Research Topic titled “Purinergic Signaling in Health and Disease”, hosted by Eric Boué-Grabot (IMN, […]

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Capture d’écran 2018-07-12 à 11.44.11 12 July 2018

Gary, the salamander who indicates his football prognosis

The team of Thomas Boraud and Pierre Burbaud has recently started to study the learning processes of Pleurodeles Waltl (a newt, a group of amphibians close to […]

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Capture d’écran 2018-06-21 à 15.48.00 21 June 2018

Bordeaux Neurocampus Summer Party

PhD students and Post-doctoral researchers organize the first Bordeaux Neurocampus Summer Party, that will take place on Thursday 28 June from 18h00 to 20h00 at Parc Carreire, close to […]

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Capture d’écran 2018-05-28 à 21.38.36 23 May 2018

Images dedicated to science

We had the opportunity to welcome in the atrium of the Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine an exhibition of scientific photos by a former postdoctoral researcher of […]

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Capture d’écran 2018-05-15 à 21.05.14 15 May 2018

Visit of the Chief Executive Officer of CNRS

Our laboratory received today the visit of the Chief Executive Officer of CNRS, Dr. Antoine Petit. He was accompanied by Dr. Younis Hermes, Regional Delegate of […]

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france5_EM 14 May 2018

Emmanuel Mellet on France 5 TV channel…

Meditation: a revolution in the brain Sit comfortably, close your eyes and focus your attention on the breath. This is the principle of mindfulness meditation […]

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Capture d’écran 2018-04-26 à 16.16.14 13 April 2018

Tribute to Giselle Charron

It is with sadness that we learned about the disappearance of Giselle Charron, former Professor Assistant at the University of Bordeaux. Very involved in the teaching […]

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Capture d’écran 2018-01-25 à 16.10.41 11 January 2018

Estelle: her thesis in 180 seconds

Estelle Dumas-Mallet was a PhD student in political science at the University of Bordeaux. Its laboratories: Center Emile Durkheim (Sciences Po Bordeaux and University of […]

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Capture d’écran 2017-12-17 à 20.59.02 15 December 2017

Biomeeting #24 : neuroscience at the heart of innovation

Centre Broca-Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Campus Carreire, Université de Bordeaux, december 21st at 5 pm free entrance Registration required by email: or by phone 06 40 07 02 49

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Tracto_1024_small 10 November 2017

The reliability of anatomical connectivity data of the human brain challenged by 20 international teams of research in diffusion imaging and tractography.

From the virtual reconstruction of white matter bundles … Diffusion magnetic resonance imaging (dMRI) is used to reveal in vivo the white matter bundles of […]

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image_forum2017_LaVillette 30 October 2017

Nathalie Tzourio-Mazoyer participated in the forum “Science, Recherche et Société”

Sciences & Avenir and La Recherche organized for two days in September 2017 the Forum “Science, Recherche et Société” in the Cité des Sciences et […]

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diapo_inauguration_small 26 October 2017

Inauguration of the Ginesislab common laboratory

Ginesislab: a common laboratory to optimize the use of biomedical imaging data The Groupe d’imagerie neurofonctionnelle de l’Institut des maladies neurodégénératives (GIN-IMN) and the Fealinx […]

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wiley-coupe 23 October 2017

12th Biennial conference of the Chinese Society of Neuroscience

For the 12th Biennial conference of the Chinese Society of Neuroscience, the publisher Wiley publishes a collection of articles, in open access until November 30, […]

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SfN-Motac-banner-2 22 October 2017

IMN will be present at the SFN meeting in Washington

IMN will be present at the 47th annual meeting organised by the American Society for Neuroscience. This year it will take place in Washington. Below is the […]

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Capture d’écran 2017-10-24 à 19.42.50 12 October 2017

The Centre Broca Nouvelle Aquitaine Bordeaux Neurocampus inaugural video

Please discover the video by clicking here!

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Capture d’écran 2017-09-29 à 11.40.36 29 September 2017

Inauguration of the “Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine”

Inauguration last night of the last building of the “Neurocampus”, the « Centre Broca Nouvelle-Aquitaine ». Alain Rousset (President of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region), Professor Jean-Marc Orgogozo (hospital […]

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thomas-Boraud en Poche 24 September 2017

Decision making in the pocket!

The book of Thomas Boraud about decision making “matière à décision” will be available in pocket format in biblis collection from October 3rd.

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Capture d’écran 2017-10-02 à 13.00.35 4 September 2017

Welcome to Arthur and his zebra finches

Dr. Arthur Leblois left Paris and joined the team of Dr. Thomas Boraud and Pierre Burbaud in our institute. He did his PhD in Paris […]

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Capture d’écran 2017-07-31 à 17.02.57 30 June 2017

IMN at The Gordon Research Conference

IMN was present at The Gordon Research Conference on Parkinson’s disease that took place at the Grand Summit Hotel at Sunday River (Newry, ME, USA) in […]

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Capture d’écran 2017-05-30 à 14.57.40 29 May 2017

A visit under high protection

The University of Bordeaux was honored to receive this morning, on her first official visit, Mrs Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. […]

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image a la une 19 May 2017

IMN presents its recent results at NeuroFrance 2017

The NeuroFrance 2017 Congress took place from May 17th to 19th  at the Palais des Congrès in Bordeaux. The IMN was featuring many scientific posters during […]

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Pré-Soirée PoS NeuroFrance 2 May 2017

Special evening “Pint of Science”

The special evening “Pint of Science” will take place on Tuesday, May 16 at 7pm at HMS Victory in Bordeaux (3 Place du General Sarrail, […]

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Capture d’écran 2017-04-26 à 16.21.35 24 April 2017

Towards new therapies for neurodegenerative diseases

The University of Bordeaux is a partner of the European research group IMPRIND, officially launched in early March. An ambitious project whose goal is to […]

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Capture d’écran 2017-01-13 à 21.00.34 15 March 2017

Seeking for a Post-Doc in the Ginesislab

Post-Doctoral opportunity in Data sciences and Neurosciences Ginesislab is seeking a post-doctoral researcher to carry out research on the extraction of phenotypes from brain imaging […]

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©Yves Deris 25 January 2017

A 10-year project

Our first teams installed their pipettes, desks and other equipments in the new building for 2 weeks. Back in pictures on a project that was […]

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Jean Sarraute et Jean Aboudaram (Rotary Club de Libourne Saint Emilion), François Tison (IMN clinique) 17 January 2017

Thank to the Rotary Club of Libourne Saint Emilion

On Monday 16th, our laboratory, represented by Prof. François TISON, was delighted to receive  €71,410 from the Rotary Club of Libourne Saint Emilion, thanks to […]

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Capture d’écran 2017-01-13 à 21.04.36 14 January 2017

Job offer

We are seeking to recruit new Group Leaders at junior or midcareer level We offer attractive start-up packages and state-of-the-art laboratories and infrastructures to young group leaders, […]

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maison_de_la_science 13 January 2017

Professional development: In the intimacy of the brain

This year again, some researchers of IMN team 5 (GIN) will take part to the professional development action « In the intimacy of brain » organized […]

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Ginesis_small 20 December 2016

Creation of the Ginesis Lab


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capture-decran-2016-12-21-a-12-18-35 19 December 2016

A final pre-delivery visit

The President of the University of Bordeaux, Manuel Tunon de Lara, and his team – Dean Lewis, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors; Pierre Dos […]

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benjamin 12 December 2016

HDR Defense Committee

« Modelling multi-factorial neurodegeneration in synucleinopathies: mechanistic and therapeutic implications » Defense on January 12 at 2:00 pm in the conference room of the new Neurocampus building. […]

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capture-decran-2016-11-24-a-18-32-39 24 November 2016

Miniantibodies Reduce Inflammation and Pain

The research led by Friedrich Koch-Nolte of the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf in Germany involved a consortium of European researchers including Eric Boué-Grabot from the […]

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Vue d’artiste de nanotubes de carbone individuels fluorescents explorant les espaces extracellulaires du cerveau © Godin/Cognet, IOGS-CNRS-Univ. Bordeaux 23 November 2016

A landmark paper from the IdEx-funded EXTRABRAIN project has come to light this week

Understanding the role of the extracellular space (ECS) in modulating neuronal communication represents a knowledge frontier in current brain research. This limit has conceptual and […]

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capture-decran-2016-11-22-a-21-02-22 21 November 2016

Looking for a name

The new building we are going to join in the coming weeks, which already houses the Interdisciplinary Institute of Neurosciences and the Bordeaux Imaging Center, […]

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top_ranking_cea 16 November 2016

AAL: a human brain atlas ranked second in the “top 100 cited” CEA publication

Already awarded the honorary title of “the most cited publication in NeuroImaging between 1980 and 2012”, the article of the Groupe d’Imagerie Neurofonctionnelle, team 5 […]

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capture-decran-2016-11-01-a-20-36-53 10 November 2016

IMN led the experimental validation of a neuroprosthesis: published today in Nature

Primates Regain Control of Paralyzed Leg Neuroprosthetic interface bridges partial spinal cord injury Non-human primates regain control of their paralyzed limb thanks to a neuroprosthetic […]

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capture-decran-2016-11-02-a-09-34-16 1 November 2016

Fêtes les vins kms de Saint-Emilion

The ROTARY CLUB LIBOURNE SAINT EMILION organizes – for the benefit of research on the brain – on Sunday march 12th 2017, the second edition […]

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capture-decran-2016-10-12-a-08-41-08 28 October 2016

Defenses of the end of the year

Many of our students finish their theses, so many defenses will occur at the end of the year: Sophie MAINGAULT , supervisor: Fabrice Crivello, Thursday, September 29th, 2:00 pm, CGFB, […]

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u_journal_homo_apprenticus 21 October 2016

When IMN’s researchers speak to learn

The last issue of U, the magazine of the University of Bordeaux, is dedicated to the various forms of learning. It was prepared with the […]

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capture-decran-2016-11-08-a-20-06-20 17 October 2016

The IMN participated to the Grand Brainstorming at the Village des Sciences

Nearly 2,600 visitors were able to meet researchers from the IMN in October 15th and 16th at the “Grand brainstorming” organized at the “Village des […]

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capture-decran-2016-11-08-a-20-10-56 5 October 2016

Dr. Dehay interviewed by “Le Monde”

Dr. Benjamin Dehay was interviewed by the newspaper “Le Monde” to comment on the 2016 Medicine Nobel Prize awarded to the Japanese Pr. Yoshinori Ohsumi […]

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Capture d’écran 2016-06-13 à 21.44.09 13 June 2016

Home stretch

The building site lives its final weeks before giving way to some 12,000 m2 which will be dedicated to research in neuroscience. Mr. Alain Rousset, […]

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Capture d’écran 2016-05-08 à 16.16.49 8 May 2016

The Grand Scientific Award 2016 of the Fondation Simone et Cino Del Duca

The Grand Scientific Award 2016 of the Fondation Simone et Cino Del Duca has been awarded on June 8th, 2016. This event took place under the […]

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Capture d’écran 2016-05-08 à 15.02.15 6 May 2016

Excellence Initiative of University of Bordeaux confirmed

The Prime Minister decided to definitively confirm three IDEX, including IdEx Bordeaux. Indeed, IDEX « A*MIDEX (Aix-Marseille) », « IDEX BORDEAUX » and « UNISTRA (Strasbourg) […]

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Capture d’écran 2016-04-08 à 21.14.32 12 April 2016

Visit of the building site

The site is changing very fast. From the outside, we see that the gateways are installed and the metal cladding takes shape. Inside, the colors […]

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Capture d’écran 2016-02-28 à 08.49.32 29 February 2016

Xavier: in silico deus ex machina

Xavier Hinaut joined the IMN on February 1st, 2016 as a junior researcher in the Mnemosyne team. After obtaining his Ph.D. at the University of […]

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Capture d’écran 2016-02-19 à 13.14.25 19 February 2016

Fox Trial Finder : an international collaboration

Because the answer to Parkinson’s disease can not be found individually, international collaboration is essential to accelerate the discovery of a cure for the 5 […]

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Capture d’écran 2016-02-11 à 11.39.18 11 February 2016

A race in the vineyards of Saint-Emilion to support research on brain diseases

The “LIBOURNE SAINT-EMILION ROTARY CLUB” organizes on Sunday, march 13th 2016, the first edition of a race in the vineyards of Saint-Emilion. Runners will have […]

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Capture d’écran 2016-02-07 à 19.36.59

In Netherlands, discreetly …

Discreetly…. if we had not recovered the photos! Thomas Boraud and Erwan Bezard were part of the  Borbala DURAY’s thesis jury at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Free University […]

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Capture d’écran 2016-01-31 à 18.53.00 5 February 2016

When Art & Neuroscience Make One

“Bordeaux Neurocampus” had the idea to organize a photo contest in relation with neuroscience. The initiative found adherents among neuroscientists of the Bordeaux community. Three photos […]

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FGeorges 30 January 2016

Portrait of François, a new researcher in our laboratory

François Georges joined the IMN on January 1st (2016) and leads the team Dopamine and neuronal assemblies with Jerome Baufreton. After his PhD at the University of […]

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Capture d’écran 2016-01-20 à 15.35.42 20 January 2016

At the beginning of the year, we welcome….

We welcome in our teams training students for periods ranging from 4 to 6 months: Marianne AINCY, in team 3 (master 2 de Biologie Santé, […]

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Capture d’écran 2015-11-18 à 10.01.20 16 January 2016

A 2-year post-doctoral position

One of our groups is looking to hire a postdoctoral scientist with an interest for basal ganglia circuits. Applications are invited for a 2-year postdoctoral research […]

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Capture d’écran 2015-12-21 à 15.56.52 21 December 2015

11th European Congress of Neuropathology

The 11th European Congress of Neuropathology organized by Prof. Anne Vital (IMN member and Congress President) and Prof. Charles Duyckaerts (Chair of Scientific Program Committee) will be held […]

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news_profs_au_GIN 13 December 2015

Action for Professional Development : in the intimacy of the brain

GIN’s researchers have intervened in the action of professional development “in the intimacy of the brain“, organized by the Houses of Science in Aquitaine and […]

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Capture d’écran 2015-11-17 à 14.43.41 20 November 2015

Defenses of the end of the year

Many of our students finish their theses, so many defenses will occur at the end of the year: Mathieu SCHMITT will defend his Ph.D. thesis entitled “Modulation of […]

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Capture d’écran 2015-11-18 à 10.01.20 18 November 2015

2-year postdoctoral position

A 2-year post-doctoral position in the group “Pathological decision-making in addiction“ Applications are invited for a 2-year postdoctoral research fellow position in the group “Pathological decision-making […]

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Capture d’écran 2015-11-21 à 16.49.21 17 November 2015

Group Leader Position in Neuroscience

Recruiting New Group Leaders (PDF file here) The Neurocampus project, fully supported by the University of Bordeaux, CNRS, INSERM and the Aquitaine Regional Government, consist into […]

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Capture d’écran 2015-11-21 à 16.31.35 14 November 2015

Best Paper Award

Frédéric Alexandre (Team Mnemosyne: Mnemonic synergy) received the Best Paper Award at the 7th International Conference “Neural Computation Theory and Applications” which took place in Lisbon, […]

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Capture d’écran 2015-11-04 à 16.37.00 4 November 2015

Karine Massé, a new arrival

Karine Massé obtained her doctorate on the murine nm23 gene family description and function analysis at the University of Bordeaux in September 1999. She then joined […]

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FLAG-ERA+HBP 23 October 2015

The Neurofunctional Imaging Group receives grant funding to join the FLAG-ERA Human Brain Project

The GIN is the French partner of the European project MULTI-LATERAL*, coordinated by Clyde Francks (Max Planck Institute, NL) and laureate of the FLAG-ERA  Joint […]

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Capture d’écran 2015-11-02 à 09.44.11 21 October 2015

The Society for Neuroscience meeting in Chicago

The laboratory was well represented at Chicago where was held the Society for Neuroscience international meeting (October 17th-21st). It is a major annual event which […]

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Capture d’écran 2015-10-12 à 10.44.10 14 October 2015

IMN on social networks: more than 3,000 visitors

The IMN is present on social networks, especially Facebook, since 6 weeks. For what reasons ? To publicize outside the scientific community, to make available our […]

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Journal Sud Ouest du 5 octobre 2015 5 October 2015

BIND (Bordeaux Initiative for Neurodegenerative Disorders), french center of excellence

In November 2014, the French government launched the National Plan Neurodegenerative Diseases 2014-2019 which proposed the « Identification of centers of excellence in the field […]

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©Yves Deris 25 September 2015

10 months after the laying of the first stone

After the ceremony of laying the first stone 10 months ago, Mr Alain Rousset, President of Aquitaine Regional Council, came to realize the progress of […]

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Capture d’écran 2015-09-16 à 13.37.14 16 September 2015

Matière à décision

7 months after its release, Thomas Boraud talks about his book “Matière à décision” (CNRS Editions): This is a error, underlined by teleologic philosophy, to think that our brain is […]

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IMG_5241_2 11 September 2015

Visit of the building

It was a privileged moment as all members of the laboratory enjoyed a long-awaited site visit that made real what was once simple plans on […]

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Capture d’écran 2015-09-03 à 17.37.11 3 September 2015

Symposium Globus Pallidus

Organised by Jérôme BAUFRETON and Nicolas MALLET, researchers of our laboratory, a symposium on the globus pallidus, on September 17th and 18th. Location: CGFB, Functional Genomic Center of Bordeaux […]

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Nouveau et dernier bâtiment du projet Neurocampus. L'IMN investira les lieux au cours de l'été 2016. ©VIALET Architecture 9 July 2015

In 2016, IMN will be relocated to a new building

In 2016, the Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases and the Interdisciplinary Institute of Neuroscience will be housed in a brand new building established in front of Neurocentre Magendie.

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irm 3 teslas ibio-imn gin 16 June 2015

A new high field MRI scanner at Bordeaux Carreire

On June 16th, a brand new Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) equipment (SIEMENS PRISMA) has been delivered in the new IBIO-IMN building.

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Capture d’écran 2015-07-28 à 11.16.40 2 February 2015

Team leaders are preparing the visit of the HCERES committee

Team leaders were given appointment a few kilometers from the laboratory to prepare the visit of the HCERES Committee (Supreme Council for Evaluation of Research and Higher Education), scheduled on February 11th and 12th, 2015.

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Patrice Courvalin, Jury President, presents the 'Grand Prix' of the 'Fondation de France' to Erwan Bézard. 28 January 2015

Erwan Bezard received the “Grand Prix 2014” of the “Fondation de France”

On January 28th, 2015, Erwan BEZARD received the “Grand Prix 2014” of the “Fondation de France” for his work on Parkinson’s disease. “The jury was extremely […]

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Erwan Bézard, Director of the Institute of Neurodegenerative diseases, laid the first stone of the last building of the Neurocampus project that will house IMN and the Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience (IINS) at the end of 2016. 1 December 2014

Foundation stone laying ceremony of the last building of the “neurocampus” project

The December 1st, 2014 was a rainy Monday, but a day full of enthusiasm. It was the Foundation stone laying ceremony of the last building of the “neurocampus” project

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Yann ARTHUS-BERTRAND 5 February 2014

Yann Arthus-Bertrand, godfather of the clinical IMN

On February 5th, 2014, our Institute received the visit of Mr Yann Arthus-Bertrand, who did us the honor of sponsoring the Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases […]

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