13 décembre 2023

Vincent Planche awarded Joël Ménard Prize

Vincent Planche, a researcher at the Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases, is the winner of the Joël Ménard 2023 prize for clinical and translational research, awarded by the Alzheimer’s Foundation.

Vincent Planche is a neurologist, head of the Memory Clinic at Bordeaux University Hospital. He is also currently Associate Professor of neurology at Bordeaux University and researcher in the Institute of Neurodegenerative Diseases.

His research focuses on the pathophysiology of neurodegenerative diseases, using both pre-clinical approaches on animal models and clinical studies on patients with neurodegenerative diseases, mainly using fluid biomarkers and structural MRI. While he was initially working on Multiple Sclerosis, he is now interested in tauopathies in general and Alzheimer’s disease in particular.


For more details : https://www.fondation-alzheimer.org/la-recherche/prix-joel-menard/vincent-planche-laureat-en-recherche-clinique-et-translationnelle/